KR FitLife

Fit Body. Fit Mind. Fit Life.

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KR FitLife

Personal Training

Individualized training, tailored to your needs and goals, in your home or outside location, designed for men, women, athletes, and everyone in between.


Nutritional Guidance

Real food nutrition programs designed to get you healthy, fill you up and give you the right components you need to lose the weight, recovery from rehab or just have enough energy keep up with your kids.

Happy Clients
Nicky Award
"Best Personal Trainer 2018"
Pounds lost

What my clients say...

Kris is professional and totally cares about the welfare of his clients. His personality makes him fun to work with, but his dedication sets him apart.

wally and me
His approach is friendly, honest and firm all the while listening.
That’s the keyword: Listening.

My clients are...

In Recovery
Surgeries, Heart Attacks, Illness 60%
Want Individualized Attention
Surgeries, Heart Attacks, Illness 100%
Ages 45-75 57%
Ages 47 - 74 43%
Just regular folks who need a little help getting fit
I work with every type of body in any situation 100%

Want to know more?

Latest News

KR FitLife Motivation Monday: Jump

Apropos to business, ideas, opportunities and the whole human experience. Sometimes you just gotta jump. Better to have tried and failed, then to have never tried at all.  Be Grateful, be present, be kind…and jump! KR

KR FitLife “Salutiferous” Sunday Salutiferous Definition: healthy or health-giving * Synonyms: restorative, good * Example: The thirsty man took an ice cold shower in the salutiferous water. 🙌💦💦💦  

KR FitLife Motivation Monday!

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